Meet Burt. He is my adopted grandpa. My Muzee. Burt is an amazing man. He is wild at heart. He and his lovely wife Edna support all our efforts here in Africa. One of my dreams was to have him come to Africa with me, and meet some of the people who's lives he has touched.
One of the things I like most about my relationship with Burt is we do stuff. We hang out! The top photo is my favorite one of Grandpa Burt. It is taken at Morton's Arboretum. Burt is a Purple Heart Vet. He is one of the reasons we live free in the USA.
In the next photos, you see the actual gun that was used to shoot and injure this amazing Medic on the beach 63 years ago, in June of 1944. So now, today, he is in his 80's married to his sweetheart for like 57 years, father to 5 adult kids, and many grandchildren. The photos below are described like this...Burt with my two sons Nate and Mike, standing next to the gun that almost took Burt's life. The next one is one of Burt sitting on a bench that says it all...this was taken on one of our "excursions" on the Naperville riverwalk. Would you believe that Burt just had DOUBLE KNEE SURGERY about 2 weeks ago? I guess bravery doen't stop when you turn 83. This is one of the hard things for me being here in Africa, not being able to help him in the rehab stuff. Following his rehab photos are photos of a stopsign photo in Naperville, then a road in Morton's Arboretum during the fall (one of our favorite spots to go) then Burt in the Rocky mountains at a Wild at Heart retreat, and lastly us at baseball game...Then me dunking him as he decided to get baptized last Easter!! He is so much FUN! It was becoming harder and harder to go places with him because of massive knee pain, but now he has gotten his knees replaced, I can't wait to go all over the place with him, and maybe AFRICA! I love you Burt! I miss you.