Sunday, June 24, 2007


Today was blury for me emotionally. This photo shows Grace, a 17 year old mother who we met earlier this week. I am presenting her with bed sheets and a blanket for her hospital matress...I had ment it for her home, where we had just put up a new bed. You see her and her mother were laying on the ground, in red muddy claylike paste. I thought on Wednesday that they were both going to die soon, you could smell it when you entered their house. We had really wanted to get Grace and Nakalula some medical help, but it just did not seem possible. So today, Saturday, we went to bring them both beds to lift them out of the miry clay, so they could at least die comfortably. We also brought Dr. John from a local clinic. He was able to come to their home, old fashioned style. The girl Grace was the first to be treated. She was quite afraid at first, and Dr. John had to convince her he was there to help her, not hurt her. How crazy was it for me to think they would be so happy to see a doctor? I tried to put myself in her shoes. Ok, track with me...You are Grace, you had a baby at 15, and now you are 17 and you find yourself laying in a mire, have not eaten for 4 days, you are so weak you can not lift your head, let alone walk outside to wash clothes for neighbors to get money for some scrap of food. Your mother is dying, and your father and twin brothers have already died. You watch your 11, 9, 7, 5 year old siblings stare at your mother as she lies in the muddy filthy "bed" on the ground. Your 21 year old sister and 16 year old brother has abandoned the family, and you can not even take care of your baby. Now this white man walks in with a strange man you have never seen with a white jacket, and starts probing you and asking you 20 questions...would you be happy to see him? The doctor pulls me outside and says to me "I have not seen anything this bad ever, you need to get this girl to the hospital immediately. So we convinced her to come with us in the GFR truck and we took her to Dr. John's clinic. She could hardly sit up straight. They ran the Lab tests. The worst I have had a doctor say about my children was that Nathan had a broken toe and a bruised elbow...I sat there stunned as the Doc told me what was going on with Grace. She is HIV positive, has TB, Malaria, Malnutrition, extreme Dehydration, Diarrhea, Anorexia, and Anemia. I asked him if he was going to tell her, he said not until she heals from the other immediate pressing my heart broke, knowing she was in the hospital room, probably very worried about the tests, and she was not even going to find out the horrifying results yet. What if this was me, or my child, or my wife? She is lying there in the hospital, on new sheets and a pillow, but she is sending the pain below, pushing the fears down, and maybe pretending for a night she will make it out of this sickness, while at home, her mother sleeps for the first time in a real bed...also not knowing her blood test results...advanced uncurable cyphallis. Will you pray with me for God's mercy on this family? I feel so overwhelmed, so confused inside. God help her little children's hearts.

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