Thursday, March 29, 2007

Get to know Media

Get to know Media…
Her favorite drink is Fanta Citron, and she enjoys eating potatoes and beef meat. Media is 41 years old. She is the maid at GFR office. She and her husband have been married for 21 years. She’s got 8 children. They are all boys! She may try for one more, hoping for a girl. The eldest son is 20 years old. The youngest one is 2 years and 3 months. She lives near the genocide memorial at Gisozi. She is neighbor to Bosco. Media loves being with GFR and do all her work. She enjoys mostly running errands in town shopping for miscellaneous items for the GFR team as it helps her know more on her environment. She is so genuine and very kind. She preaches at her church when she gets an opportunity.

She is so thankful to GFR she is proud of its President and all the donors. Thanks to the Most High to have made this work possible in Rwanda.
Her prayer request is for Mr. Ben’s health. Thank you Media for your sweet attitude and support.

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