Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Getting to know you...

Please, lend me your ear, and let me share with you some of the people that I have been with Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
Get to know Bosco
Favorite drinks: Tea and Fanta Citron Favorite foods: Rice and BEFF JERKY. Nickname: “ihene”(goat) because of his talent to swiftly climb a mountain while leading a GFR sponsor up and down the hills of Rwanda with amazing speed. If you are coming to Rwanda this summer with GFR, you would be lucky to have him escort you to your family! Bosco’s role at GFR is the Communication Liaison between you and your sponsored family. If you have received a report from your family or a letter, or a photo update…he is the man to thank! I must tell you, this man is a totally amazing man of prayer. When he prays out loud, you can feel the power of God alive in him He is very humble. I see great leadership in him and a heart for the poor. GFR is truly lucky to have him. Please pray that Bosco will find a wife, a woman who loves God. I love you brother.

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